Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Feeling thankful today...thought I'd share a few thoughts.

1) I am thankful that Rob is coming home today. He's been gone since Monday. It's been an ok week, but the single parent gig gets old very quickly! I miss my husband!

2) I am thankful that after alot of searching we are pretty sure we've found our church home. We have met so many wonderful people. As I sat listening to our pastor this past Sunday, I had a great sense of peace. It's such a wonderful welcoming environment. We are going to join the church sometime this summer and I need to get going on plans to have Hayden baptised soon.

3) I am thankful that I get to go out with Rob tomorrow night. We have a joined a couple's group at our new church. We get together once a month for fun, food, drinks, etc.. Should be alot of fun! I am nervous about leaving Hayden with our new babysitter though. My parents are the only sitters we've used since we moved here. I know he'll be fine. I need to chill out my mommy nerves a bit!

4) I am thankful for my 2 healthy boys! We have so much fun together. They amaze me everyday and I cannot imagine life without them!

5) I am thankful for Owen's school. If he didn't have school today, we would have had a gigantic mommy/Owen battle! His 4 year old attitude has kicked in full force this week. We are working on getting a hold on it, but it's been a bit trying this week with Rob gone and all. So, I am very very thankful for Owen's school!!

6) Finally, I am thankful that I stumbled upon this blog...
This is a remarkable family!! Little Audrey was only here for a short while, but her story has made a huge impact on many people including me. If you read this blog you will need kleenex handy and I think you'll be inspired by Angie's wonderful words.

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