Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mom and Me

I saw this cute questionnaire over at A Look Into Our Lives. Had to give it a try with Owen! He loved answering the questions!

1. What is something mommy always says to you? "I Love You"
2. What makes mommy happy? "When I give you a hug"
3. What makes mommy sad? "When I cry"
4. How does your mommy make you laugh? "She tickles me."
5. What was your mommy like as a child? "A baby"
6. How old is your mommy? "I don't know!"
7. How tall is your mommy? "40 feet"
8. What is her favorite thing to do? "To pick flowers because girls are crazy about flowers. They just go nuts."
9. What does your mommy do when you're not around? "Clean"
10. If your mommy becomes famous, what will it be for? "You'll be famous because you always clean up the house."
11. What is your mommy really good at? "Cooking"
12. What is your mommy not very good at? "Go-cart driving"
13. What does your mommy do for a job? "Nothing"
14.What is your mommy's favorite food? "pizza"
15.What makes your mommy proud of you? "When I do something really good and work on my lowercase n."
16. If your mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be? "Ben 10's sister"
17. What do you and your mommy do together? "Fun stuff"
18. How are you and your mommy the same? "The same eyes"
19. How are you and your mommy different? "We don't have the same hair"
20. How do you know your mommy loves you? "She gives lots of hugs"
21. What does your mommy like most about your daddy? "When he gives you kisses."
22. Where is your mommy's favorite place to go? "The mall"

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