Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Extreme Makeover...more pics!

Despite the freezing cold weather on Monday, I spent about 8 1/2 hours out at the Extreme Makeover house. The high that day ended up being around 30 degrees and the wind chill was around 18. Even with that kind of weather it was totally worth it to be there! I was in the front row all day. It was so cool to see how the show comes together. All the designers and the crew were super nice too. When that bus moved around 3pm and that family saw the house it was an amazing sight! The only thing that would have made it better would have been to have Owen with me. He loves the show and move that bus is his favorite part. Unfortunately, it was just way too cold! I also would have loved to have been a volunteer. I tried to sign up, but they were already covered with plenty of volunteers. Anyway, enjoy the pics!

Blue Shirt Volunteers

John Littlefield

Eduardo Xol

Here comes Ty!

Ty again :-)

Furniture Crew

Let's Move in Some Furniture!!

Practicing Move That Bus

Getting ready for family

Family comes home!

Paul visiting with all the fans!


Family sees house

Hug the designers

1 comment:

Jen said...

You are CRAZY!!! How fun.
