Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Medical Drama

Some of you have asked what exactly happened a couple weeks ago, so here are a few of the details. On Tuesday June 24th, we ate dinner as normal about 6pm then Owen and I headed to play at our neighborhood pool for a little bit. I felt really full after eating even though I didn't eat much. About 30 minutes or so after getting into the pool, I started feeling icky. I wasn't sure what the deal was, I just felt nauseated and really bloated. I managed to convince Owen to move to the baby pool. I sat on the side while he played for a few minutes, but my symptoms kept getting worse and I developed a horrible pain in the middle of my chest. I tried to stay calm for O's sake. I had no cell with me and all I could think about was getting back home. Before I could think about much else I knew I was going to get sick. I grabbed Owen and rushed to the restroom. Owen was so sweet. He kept asking if I was ok, he gathered up all our pool stuff for me, and kept saying "you'll be fine mom you'll be fine". After I barfed my guts up, I was able to get us to the car( thank god I had driven down there that night!). Luckily, it was just a short drive home. By the time I got home, the pain in my chest was excruciating. I tried laying down and it just got worse. After a short time Rob finally said he was calling 911. They quickly arrived and off I went for my 1st ever ambulance ride. Owen was such a trooper. I know he was scared to death, but he waved goodbye and said the dr would take good care of me. Rob said O cried right after we left. In the ambulance and at the er, they were ruling our heart issues first since the pain was right in the middle of my chest. Luckily, after several tests my heart was found to be just fine. I alerted them of my gallstones that I developed during my pregnancy with O. The er doc came in to exam me and took one look and said I was having a major gallbladder attack. He sent me for an ultrasound of my gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, liver, and kidneys. That hurt like hell! I came back from that and he gave me the news that I was being admitted and started on antibiotics right away. I had a high white count and they were afraid of an infection from my attack. I finally got admitted about 1am, sent Rob home, and tried to get a little rest.
The next day was just a day of waiting. Waiting to see the dr, then waiting to see the surgeon, waiting for my IV antibiotics to be done( I had 4 rounds of them within 24 hrs), then waiting to be squeezed in for surgery. They finally operated around 9pm to remove my gallbladder, which they described as packed with stones. I was out of it for the night, but the next morning I was able to get up and about a little bit. There was alot of pain, but since I've had 2 c-sections, it wasn't a big deal. They did the surgery laproscopically, so I had 5 incisions ranging from 1/2 inch to 2 inches long. I think I had a total of 14 staples. I got to go home Thursday evening. I was lucky to have my mom there taking wonderful care of the boys and keeping up with the household. She was a lifesaver! We also had wonderful meals delivered from some of the pta ladies. Rob and the boys enjoyed all the yummy food! I was on liquids only for a few days, but slowly got back to solids again. I was very sore and tired for a couple days, but once I caught up on rest, I felt great. I saw my surgeon on June 30th. He said all looked fine and gave me the go ahead for traveling. So, on Tuesday July 1st, we headed out on our journey to Oregon and then down to the Grand Canyon. It was alot of fun and I am so glad we were able to go ahead with our plans despite my little medical issue. I will post vacation highlights and pics soon. Thanks to all of you who called, e-mailed, brought food, sent flowers, etc.... I am blessed with so many great people in my life! Thanks again!

1 comment:

Jen said...

That sounds like it was absolutely frightening! I'm glad all it was was your gb -- not that it was painless -- because a heart attack would have been a big problem.

Glad you are feeling so much better.
