Monday, June 9, 2008

Poor Buddy!

Hayden woke us up around 11 last night. He was breathing funny...scared me to death! After talking to the nurse and reading online, it was decided that he has croup. About an hour after he woke us up, he started the barking seal cough. We sat in our bathroom with the hot shower on full blast. The steam seemed to help alot! After an hour or so, I got him back to sleep. I put him down in our room. I was so worried about his breathing. He slept ok. Woke up around 3am and was burning up. After tylenol, he slept until almost 8am. Other then breathing funny and the horrible cough, he's acting normal today. Of course, I am a We managed to get up and out the door on time to get Owen to his first day of summer camp. He also starts swimming lessons this evening. Crazy crazy day! I think I'll go take a quick nap....Yawn!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Poor Hayden! I hate croup -- Henry has gotten it each year, and it's so stressful! I hope he's feeling better soon. And that you all can get some sleep!